All products are assembled in Japan and only shipped after passing strict inspections. Therefore we have earned the trust of our distributors.
As a result, we have had very few problems with our machines from our customers, and we continue to grow our OREC fan base not only in Japan but also in Europe.
If the problem cannot be solved by the distributor, we will visit the end-user or distributor and provide skilled and trained personnel to assist in the solution.
Since we guarantee the safety and security of our customers, it is no exaggeration to say that this commitment is our top priority.
We are constantly exchanging ideas with distributors, retailers, and end users to release new machines to the market, and we work with OREC development and create specific machines, test them in Europe, and release new machines every year to stay ahead of the market.
Most of the distributors we deal with have been with us for more than 20 years. Therefore, we recognize that they are not just business partners, but also part of the OREC family.
By inviting our distributors and dealers to Japan to observe the manufacturing process of OREC products and to enjoy their stay in Japan, we hope that they will come to love not only OREC but also Japan.